Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What animal leaves v-shaped gnaw marks on bones?

The other day I went hiking, and I found a few bones from a deer (I'm guessing). They looked deer size. I found a vertebrae piece, and I think some leg bones. On the leg bones there were gnaw marks, the bulb part at the end of the bone was chewed off, but along the middle part of the bone there were gnaw marks I never seen before. Okay, visualize the bone laying horizontal, and along the bone's side there were marks that looked exactly like: >>>>>>> And they were close together like that too, they are like sideways v's. I tried to google what could make these markings but found nothing. Any hunters/taphonomists/experts know what could have made these marks?? (btw, I live in the bottom right corner of Minnesota if that would help omit a few creatures). Thanks!

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